is important
Each donation is welcomed and greatly appreciated.
NGOs have always had to receive external aid in addition to government funding, in order to provide the service it was established to give. Especially for Shavim, which uses the modest resources it has to ensure its existence and also to develop and expand its scope of operation, every donation, monetary or other, is high octane fuel for its revved up engine.
Needless to say, a monetary donation will enable us to expand our scope of services and the business initiatives that are so very important to the success of those seeking our services.
However, there are additional ways to lend a helping hand and assist Shavim:
Sending jobs to Shavim’s rehabilitation centers - manufacturing some of the company’s products by people with mental illness and at prices that do not affect the company’s competitiveness and profitability.
Assistance with marketing and advertising.
Assistance with mentoring - professionals who can come, advise, and share their knowledge to help operate better.

To donate by credit card
Please set the donation amount
There are also business advantages to donating to an NGO
Strengthening and reinforcing the organizational culture
Investment in social causes - employees get a sense of belonging and feel a moral and emotional connection beyond the financial success of the company they work for.
Marketing and image advantages
A way to express an opinion - saying what’s important and what’s less important, making a statement on what’s worth fighting for.
A way to support values of equality, pride, freedom and mutual responsibility