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What does this particular law cover?

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Rights of people with mental illness

Beyond the professional mental health treatment and assistance, the law also includes support for the purpose of supplemental education, housing, finding a suitable job, family support, and more.
It’s important to mention here that the law may be twenty years old, but since then there have been developments and extensions of the law to additional spheres of life to promote your integration to the free labor market and your return to a normal life. 

This time we won’t discuss Shavim’s contribution and the work it does, but rather focus on the rights you are entitled to as part of the Rehabilitation in the Community of Persons with Mental Disabilities Law , which was passed in the year 2000. The goal of the law is to enable the rehabilitation and community integration of people coping with a psychiatric disability. Eligibility for a rehabilitation program is determined by a regional rehabilitation committee, and it is called a “rehabilitation basket of services”.

Rehabilitation basket of services rights

Housing - One of the main tools aimed at improving skills for a normal and independent life in the community for people coping with a psychiatric disability is housing. The supported housing services given as part of the rehabilitation basket of services are meant to enable adequate housing conditions. This is done while providing support and assistance, and staying in touch with the community services.

Financial assistance in purchasing initial housing supplies - Housing may originally refer to residential purposes, but it’s more than that. Conducting oneself at home is one way to promote individualized rehabilitation programs in the various spheres of functioning. And in order to enable you to be as independent as possible in your apartment, you are given financial aid to buy initial housing supplies.


Employment - Shavim’s entire website is dedicated to this topic. However, as part of the list of rights, we have to give it special mention here. This service enables employment that is compatible with your abilities and desires as part of the rehabilitation process. The options range from the pre-employment stage to employment in the free market, with an emphasis on normative and rewarding employment.


Education - The supplemental education service is meant to help you fulfill your academic potential and to complete your  education according to your abilities and ambitions.  There is also academic mentoring, which is a support service given to university students studying for an academic degree. The service includes 4 professional academic mentorship hours and a professional coordinator at the university who provides you with guidance and support throughout your time as a student.


Socializing and recreation - A social life and enjoyable recreation are essential to mental health rehabilitation in general and to occupational rehabilitation in particular.  The objective of social rehabilitation is to learn and acquire social skills, teach knowledge and independence, give a sense of belonging, eradicate loneliness, make contact with others and fit into the community. There is a leisure culture program for this, which offers a variety of opportunities and activities to chose from.


Coordinating rehabilitation programs in the community - In order to help you be more active in developing your rehabilitation plans and in setting your personal goals, the Rehabilitation of Persons with Mental Disabilities Law enables you to enlist the assistance of a treatment coordinator who will be responsible for implementing and coordinating all the services you are given by

the regional rehabilitation basket of services committee.  


Assistance for the families of people with mental illness - The family members also cope with a fair number of difficulties. They worry about their loved one, and this puts strain on their physical and mental health. They are busy with the day-today tasks, with trying to find the help you need, with treatment, supervision, and providing assistance. Moreover, they carry a heavy emotional load. In order to make things easier for the family, the Ministry of Health has set up consultation centers for families, which provide information and support through individual and group consultations, lectures, and workshops.


Dental care - Yes, the rehabilitation system has also included this field of medicine as part of the rehabilitation basket of services to help you pay for dental treatments. The assistance is given according to the standard rates at dental clinics for disadvantaged populations, as determined in conjunction with the Ministry of Health. The aid is conditional upon your copayment.

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