Ministry of Health supported employment

Ministry of Health supported employment is the first place to contact to receive eligibility for a supported employment rehabilitation basket of services.
This is a job placement option as part of your eligibility for a supported employment rehabilitation basket of services.
This is the highest rung of the job placement ladder, which qualifies you to work in the free labor market, and it includes our guidance and support even after you are hired for a job.
Whether you have already contacted the rehabilitation department at the Ministry of Health or you are in the initial stage of inquiring about occupational rehabilitation in general and Ministry of Health supported employment in particular, we are here to clarify things for you and to help you in any way possible. We’ll start with two pieces of information that are the basis for any occupational rehabilitation:
To start the process you have to contact the Ministry of Health to receive eligibility for a rehabilitation basket of services. This is the basket of services that gives you the rights you are entitled to by law and that open the doors to occupational rehabilitation for you.
Have you already contacted the Ministry of Health? You’ve received eligibility for a rehabilitation basket of services? We are next in line since we specialize in occupational rehabilitation for people coping with a psychiatric disability.
Shavim and the Ministry of Health
The Ministry of Health and Shavim NGO work together and in complete coordination with each other regarding occupational rehabilitation and devising employment solutions for people with mental illness. The Ministry of Health refers to us people who need our help, it funds us, stands behind our employment solutions, and also helps to promote them. To understand how closely we work together, the main goal of the rehabilitation department is:
To offer the rehab patient effective rehabilitation paths and a rehabilitative horizon that is suited to his needs in order to function optimally. Although the bulk of rehabilitation is at the functional level, maximizing abilities also requires much more extensive support as an inseparable part of the rehabilitation program.
This is exactly how we operate and put into practice the occupational rehabilitation courses, the guidance, training, and assistance throughout our shared journey together.
Sheltered employment
The precise term is sheltered employment for people with mental illness. This is a job placement service that is offered to you as part of your eligibility for a sheltered employment rehabilitation basket of services. The service is implemented through Shavim’s nation-wide array of sheltered workshops, which are also your employers for a 1-year period, as well as through the training center where the occupational guidance, professional training and guidance are conducted by our staff members. Using training initiatives, courses, and in-service training in a variety of fields, Shavim expands the vocational horizon of the people we serve and opens doors to a wide array of jobs.

Transitional employment
Transitional employment is an intermediate employment framework between sheltered employment at a sheltered workshop and employment in the free market. This framework operates in two configurations: Transitional employment for individuals, whose main advantage is in the intensive guidance of the employment coordinator for getting hired and optimal integration in the job. Group employment that focuses on integrating in employment in the free market as a group, in a safe and supportive environment that includes the intensive guidance of a guide at the workplace, professional guidance of the employment coordinator and the guidance of a professional throughout the entire rehabilitation process on the path to independence.

Employment initiatives
In order for the occupational rehabilitation of people with mental illness to yield optimal outcomes, Shavim uses everything at its disposal to develop and implement professional training tools, such as: establishing an arts center, training to work at sales stands, OJT initiatives, and more. This is what prepares you for work. At the same time, we also work to develop a range of job offers you can choose from. We are constantly developing occupational initiatives meant to expand the array of employment solutions for people with mental illness and the selection of galleries and workplaces in the free market.

Do you still need more information?
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Would you like to meet face to face?
We’d be happy to help you in any way possible.
Feel free to call 03-5502932
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