Ministry of Defense supported employment
Ministry of Defense supported employment - This is an advanced stage of job placement for people with mental illness who are referred to us by the Ministry of Defense.
This is a placement option as part of your rights at the Ministry of Defense.
Many individuals who require employment solutions for people with mental illness are referred to us from the Ministry of Defense. To our delight, each year we manage to place a large number of these people in jobs. It’s important to mention that supported employment is the most advanced stage of job placement that prepares you for a job in the free labor market. So, whether we have already helped you pass the initial stages of occupational rehabilitation (sheltered employment or transitional employment) or whether this is your first meeting with us, this page has information about the supported employment rehabilitation basket of services:
This is a job placement track as part of your eligibility for a supported employment rehabilitation basket of services and it includes: vocational guidance for anyone who has not yet chosen a vocational path, professional training, and close one-on-one guidance by our staff. Concurrently, in order to expand your employment horizon, we develop training initiatives, special courses and employment initiatives in a variety of fields.

Although people tend to do a Google search with the terms “supported employment rehabilitation basket of services”, in practice, unlike the Ministry of Health or the National Insurance Institute, the Ministry of Defense does not have a rehabilitation basket of services committee. The Ministry of Defense has a rehabilitation department that determines your eligibility for occupational rehabilitation and it will refer you to Shavim with a breakdown of the maximum number of days allocated for the process. This referral has to be renewed on a monthly basis whether you are pursuing rehabilitation in a sheltered workshop or in the free labor market.
Supported employment rehabilitation basket of services
Ministry of Defense people with mental illness rights

People who are eligible for supported employment are individuals coping with a psychiatric disability who are in advanced stages of occupational rehabilitation. The service is for individuals who are eligible for a rehabilitation basket of services (supported employment) and referred to us from the Ministry of Defense. From among all the rights that you are entitled to, we will mention a few that pertain to the training and guidance process and to your job placement, such as:
- A vocational guide that will help you define what field / profession you would like to work in
- We will also work on social skills together.
- It is our job to match you with a workplace that is suited to your skills, capabilities,
and preferences.
- Guidance as you adjust to your new workplace...

In order to implement occupational rehabilitation for people who are coping with mental illness in general and to achieve optimal results in particular, we utilize every rehabilitation resource we have to help us develop and implement professional training tools. For example, we set up an arts center, the training course for working in sales stands, the OJT initiatives, and more. Concurrently, we are working on expanding the array of job offers that are suited to you. We are constantly and continuously developing employment initiatives...
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