The art of selling

Our commitment to expanding the range of professions in which we offer you occupational training gains momentum here. Unlike common conceptions that employment options for people with psychiatric disability are limited to industry only (such as production line operators), our occupational initiatives are in a wide variety of professions. Some individuals are indeed best suited to the world of industry, whereas for others, arts and crafts leave them feeling fulfilled, and others whose talents steer them in the direction of sales. Here are some details about the training program on the art of selling.
The Aim of the Program
To provide you with practical and professional tools while promoting and developing sales skills and functional and social skills, and to promote your optimal integration in employment in a normal life environment. Training will be conducted via a course that will take place at a recognized and reputable institution in the industry. Every graduating class of the course will have 15 participants.
Salespeople - training initiative on the art of selling
The training course will be based on hands-on learning and practical experience at the sales stands at the shopping centers in order to internalize the concepts learned, and later placement in sales jobs in the free market. The initiative as a whole is a program to integrate people with mental illness in sales jobs in the community and thus to help dispel the negative stigma of people with mental illness that is ingrained in society.
Fundamentals of the Program

✔ A training course on the art of selling will be given in 8 sessions of 4 academic hours each, for a total of 32 academic hours.
✔ The teaching method will be based on hands-on learning and practical experience at the sales stands at the shopping centers in order to internalize the concepts learned.
✔ The training will be adapted to the pace of the participants in the course and will contain practical training of sales situations, use of strategies, sales skills and advanced negotiations tactics via simulations, video clips, closed circuit video cameras, and more.
✔ Through the content learned in the training and the practical training, rehabilitation goals such as the following are achieved: increasing a sense of individual capability, developing responsibility and independence at work, improving communication skills, and more.
✔ The course participants will be granted a diploma by the institution, which is a competitive advantage over other sales job candidates.
✔ At the end of the course the graduates will get help integrating in sales jobs, including prolonged and intensive guidance, transitional/supported employment.
The Target Population
The program is designed for people with mental illness, aged 18 to 55, who are eligible for a rehabilitation basket of services. Eligible candidates for the program will be selected by the occupational rehabilitation team that will guide them, together with the rehabilitation basket of services coordinators in the Haifa and Northern districts and the professional employees in the rehabilitation frameworks.
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